Painting ‘Guardians of the Stones’ (One Day Show)
Avebury Social Centre, Avebury, Wiltshire, UK.
April 8th 2018
Art for Peace – Draw Not War!
New Greenham Arts, Newbury. Berkshire
December 8th -18th 2009
Tarot Prints
Azuza Cafe, Hungerford. Berkshire
November 8th -18th 2009
Awaken Arts – Retreat
The Expanding Light Artist in Residence, Nevada City, California – August 2009
Discussing ‘art and spirituality’ with Educator and Artist Laurie Marshall in Dana Lynne Andersen’s Studio
Vision from Beyond the Matrix – Authorial Illustration
The Coningsby Gallery London1994-2004
Drawing, Painting & Book Design – A Retrospective
Memorial Gallery – Yale College, North Wales. April 2002.

Symbols Of Spirit, Earth & Universe (A collection of self portraits)
The Rudolf Steiner House. London May – June 1996
Earth Stars (A series of narrative visionary paintings).
Wimbledon Library, London April – May 1995 & Battersea Library, South London May – June 1995
Neil’s art and Illustrations have appeared at global presentations
Brixton Academy 2006, 2008 & 2010
Wembley Arena 2012 and 2014