
THE CYBER-GRID EMPIRE (Part 2) – The Spider’s Digital New World Order

By Neil Hague (extracts from Orion’s Door) Transhumanist gurus such as the American inventor and futurist, Ray Kurzweil, have openly promoted the technological nightmare which would lead to the total control of humanity (while saying it is good for us). Elon musk’s neuralink chip is part of the same technological ‘dream’ and many have pointed […]

THE CYBER-GRID EMPIRE (Part 1)- From Orion (Tron) to all things AI

By Neil Hague (extracts from Orion’s Door) Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty.The obedient must be slaves.Henry David Thoreau We think of empires in terms of concentrated power in the hands of the few, or those who gained power, needing to control more land resources and people treating the masses as slaves. From the […]

Robots: Ancient-Future Gods

Robots, Masks and technolgy in ancient myths In my book, Orion’s Door: Symbols of Consciousness & Blueprints of Control – The Story of Orion’s Influence Over Humanity.  One of the themes running throughout the book relates to ‘cyborgs’, ‘artificial intelligence’ and what most call ‘alien life’. In this post, I am going to highlight a […]

See Your Spirit, Seek Your Destiny – Transform Your Life

Over the past few years I’ve had lots of interest in my ‘Spirit Portraits‘ and Energy Readings with much support for my work from people all over the world. Thank you so much to those wonderful souls who have trusted me with their inner most being. Such a spiritual process can, and does, bring up […]