Neil Hague – Control of the Art Industry, The Old World Order, The Age of Leo & The Awakening Sun – On Red Ice Radio/TV (2010)
In his books, Through Ancient Eyes and Journeys in the Dreamtime, he illustrates a personal and fascinating approach to art and image-making. Neil joins us to discuss art and secret societies control and promotion of certain artists, musicians and writers. We also talk about the Hopi, their prophecy, dreams and the propaganda people are subjected to through the media. More Topics Discussed: transitional time, Robert Green, collaboration with David Icke, Caravaggio, Knights of Malta, Order of the Garter, The Brotherhood of our Lady, De Medici, the art industry, viral marketing, Jay-Z & Lady Gaga, Jesuits, Kirschner, artists tapping into the unknown, Koyaanisqatsi, the media empire, Hopi Prophecy Rock, destruction, World War, the new world order is an old world order plan, beyond the veil, property, mortgage servitude, scarcity, environmental scam and more. In our second hour we discuss the agenda of climate change and “Earth Day”. We explore the perception of scarcity and contrast that against the abundance of energy that does exist in the universe. We talk about the changes happening in the galaxy and the consequent changes our sun is going though. Neil shares with us his take on the symbolism of the lion, the mystery of the white lions and the age of Leo. He also talks about a return to “the first time” without fear and paranoia. More Topics Discussed: iridium element, Maya & Hopi sun prophecies, the fifth world & the sixth sun, the first people, Pahana, galactic changes, chambers of the brain, dream, education, entertainment, noise, doomsday, fear, terrorism, energy, creating money, exchange of services, John Trudell, positivity, age of Leo, prehistoric art and more.
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